![]() |
PythonMonkey v1.0.1 (dev)
Functions | |
repl () | |
usage () | |
initGlobalThis () | |
main () | |
Variables | |
globalThis = pm.eval("globalThis") | |
dict | evalOpts = {'filename': __file__, 'fromPythonFrame': True, 'strict': False} |
requirePath = list(map(os.path.abspath, os.getenv('PMJS_PATH').split(','))) | |
pythonmonkey.cli.pmjs.initGlobalThis | ( | ) |
Initialize globalThis for pmjs use in the extra-module context (eg -r, -e, -p). This context needs a require function which resolves modules relative to the current working directory at pmjs launch. The global require is to the JS function using a trick instead of a JS-wrapped-Python-wrapped function
pythonmonkey.cli.pmjs.main | ( | ) |
Main program entry point
pythonmonkey.cli.pmjs.repl | ( | ) |
Start a REPL to evaluate JavaScript code in the extra-module environment. Multi-line statements and readline history are supported. ^C support is sketchy. Exit the REPL with ^D or ".quit".
pythonmonkey.cli.pmjs.usage | ( | ) |
dict pythonmonkey.cli.pmjs.evalOpts = {'filename': __file__, 'fromPythonFrame': True, 'strict': False} |
pythonmonkey.cli.pmjs.globalThis = pm.eval("globalThis") |
bool pythonmonkey.cli.pmjs.requirePath = list(map(os.path.abspath, os.getenv('PMJS_PATH').split(','))) |