▼ include | |
▼ modules | |
► pythonmonkey | |
pythonmonkey.hh | This file defines the pythonmonkey module, along with its various functions |
BoolType.hh | Struct for representing python bools |
BufferType.hh | Struct for representing ArrayBuffers |
DateType.hh | Struct for representing python dates |
DictType.hh | Struct representing python dictionaries |
ExceptionType.hh | Struct for representing Python Exception objects from a corresponding JS Error object |
FloatType.hh | Struct for representing python floats |
FuncType.hh | Struct representing python functions |
internalBinding.hh | |
IntType.hh | Struct for representing python ints |
JobQueue.hh | Implements the ECMAScript Job Queue |
JSArrayIterProxy.hh | JSArrayIterProxy is a custom C-implemented python type that derives from PyListIter |
JSArrayProxy.hh | JSArrayProxy is a custom C-implemented python type that derives from list. It acts as a proxy for JSArrays from Spidermonkey, and behaves like a list would |
JSFunctionProxy.hh | JSFunctionProxy is a custom C-implemented python type. It acts as a proxy for JSFunctions from Spidermonkey, and behaves like a function would |
JSMethodProxy.hh | JSMethodProxy is a custom C-implemented python type. It acts as a proxy for JSFunctions from Spidermonkey, and behaves like a method would, treating self as this |
JSObjectItemsProxy.hh | JSObjectItemsProxy is a custom C-implemented python type that derives from dict items |
JSObjectIterProxy.hh | JSObjectIterProxy is a custom C-implemented python type that derives from PyDictIterKey |
JSObjectKeysProxy.hh | JSObjectKeysProxy is a custom C-implemented python type that derives from dict keys |
JSObjectProxy.hh | JSObjectProxy is a custom C-implemented python type that derives from dict. It acts as a proxy for JSObjects from Spidermonkey, and behaves like a dict would |
JSObjectValuesProxy.hh | JSObjectValuesProxy is a custom C-implemented python type that derives from dict values |
JSStringProxy.hh | JSStringProxy is a custom C-implemented python type that derives from str. It acts as a proxy for JSStrings from Spidermonkey, and behaves like a str would |
jsTypeFactory.hh | |
ListType.hh | Struct for representing python lists |
NoneType.hh | Struct for representing None |
NullType.hh | Struct for representing JS null in a python object |
PromiseType.hh | Struct for representing Promises |
PyBaseProxyHandler.hh | Structs for creating JS proxy objects |
PyBytesProxyHandler.hh | Struct for creating JS Uint8Array-like proxy objects for immutable bytes objects |
PyDictProxyHandler.hh | Struct for creating JS proxy objects for Dicts |
PyEventLoop.hh | Send jobs to the Python event-loop |
PyIterableProxyHandler.hh | Struct for creating JS proxy objects for iterables |
PyListProxyHandler.hh | Struct for creating JS proxy objects for Lists |
PyObjectProxyHandler.hh | Struct for creating JS proxy objects for all objects |
pyTypeFactory.hh | Function for wrapping arbitrary PyObjects into the appropriate PyType class, and coercing JS types to python types |
setSpiderMonkeyException.hh | Call this function whenever a JS_* function call fails in order to set an appropriate python exception (remember to also return NULL) |
StrType.hh | Struct for representing python strings |
▼ python | |
▼ pythonmonkey | |
► builtin_modules | |
base64.d.ts | TypeScript type declarations for base64.py |
base64.py | |
console.js | |
dom-exception.d.ts | |
dom-exception.js | |
event-target.js | |
internal-binding.d.ts | |
internal-binding.py | |
timers.js | |
url.d.ts | |
url.js | |
util.js | |
XMLHttpRequest-internal.d.ts | TypeScript type declarations for the internal XMLHttpRequest helpers |
XMLHttpRequest-internal.py | |
XMLHttpRequest.js | |
► cli | |
__init__.py | |
pmjs.py | |
► lib | |
► pmjs | |
global-init.js | |
pmdb.py | |
wtfpm.py | |
__init__.py | |
global.d.ts | |
helpers.py | |
pythonmonkey.pyi | |
require.py | |
▼ src | |
▼ internalBinding | |
timers.cc | Implement functions in internalBinding("timers") |
utils.cc | Implement functions in internalBinding("utils") |
▼ modules | |
► pythonmonkey | |
pythonmonkey.cc | This file defines the pythonmonkey module, along with its various functions |
BoolType.cc | Struct for representing python bools |
BufferType.cc | Struct for representing ArrayBuffers |
DateType.cc | Struct for representing python dates |
DictType.cc | Struct representing python dictionaries |
ExceptionType.cc | Struct for representing Python Exception objects from a corresponding JS Error object |
FloatType.cc | Struct for representing python floats |
FuncType.cc | Struct representing python functions |
internalBinding.cc | Create internal bindings to get C++-implemented functions in JS, (imported from NodeJS internal design decisions) See function declarations in python/pythonmonkey/builtin_modules/internal-binding.d.ts |
IntType.cc | Struct for representing python ints |
JobQueue.cc | Implements the ECMAScript Job Queue |
JSArrayIterProxy.cc | JSArrayIterProxy is a custom C-implemented python type that derives from list iterator |
JSArrayProxy.cc | JSArrayProxy is a custom C-implemented python type that derives from list. It acts as a proxy for JSArrays from Spidermonkey, and behaves like a list would |
JSFunctionProxy.cc | JSFunctionProxy is a custom C-implemented python type. It acts as a proxy for JSFunctions from Spidermonkey, and behaves like a function would |
JSMethodProxy.cc | JSMethodProxy is a custom C-implemented python type. It acts as a proxy for JSFunctions from Spidermonkey, and behaves like a method would, treating self as this |
JSObjectItemsProxy.cc | JSObjectItemsProxy is a custom C-implemented python type that derives from dict keys |
JSObjectIterProxy.cc | JSObjectIterProxy is a custom C-implemented python type that derives from list iterator |
JSObjectKeysProxy.cc | JSObjectKeysProxy is a custom C-implemented python type that derives from dict keys |
JSObjectProxy.cc | JSObjectProxy is a custom C-implemented python type that derives from dict. It acts as a proxy for JSObjects from Spidermonkey, and behaves like a dict would |
JSObjectValuesProxy.cc | JSObjectValuesProxy is a custom C-implemented python type that derives from dict values |
JSStringProxy.cc | JSStringProxy is a custom C-implemented python type that derives from str. It acts as a proxy for JSStrings from Spidermonkey, and behaves like a str would |
jsTypeFactory.cc | |
ListType.cc | Struct for representing python lists |
NoneType.cc | Struct for representing None |
NullType.cc | Struct for representing JS null in a python object |
PromiseType.cc | Struct for representing Promises |
PyBaseProxyHandler.cc | Struct for creating JS proxy objects |
PyBytesProxyHandler.cc | Struct for creating JS Uint8Array-like proxy objects for immutable bytes objects |
PyDictProxyHandler.cc | Struct for creating JS proxy objects for Dicts |
PyEventLoop.cc | Send jobs to the Python event-loop |
PyIterableProxyHandler.cc | Struct for creating JS proxy objects for Iterables |
PyListProxyHandler.cc | Struct for creating JS proxy objects for Lists |
PyObjectProxyHandler.cc | Struct for creating JS proxy objects for all objects |
pyTypeFactory.cc | Function for wrapping arbitrary PyObjects into the appropriate PyType class, and coercing JS types to python types |
setSpiderMonkeyException.cc | Call this function whenever a JS_* function call fails in order to set an appropriate python exception (remember to also return NULL) |
StrType.cc | Struct for representing python strings |